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Lincolns Legacy "Hopes and Dreams" Gala Event

On Saturday 12th November 2016, we held our very first Gala.  With the help of our very special and very generous friends and family, we managed to raise a total of $7,000! These funds were donated to the Oddi's Angels Foundation. They amalgamated this with the funds they had raised after the passing of their sweet little girl Arabella, and together on Friday 1st September 2017, we were given the privilege of personally donating these funds to the ECMO specialist team who work in the Paedeatric Intensive Care Unit of the Lady Cilento Childrens Hospital!

Our Lincolns Legacy "Hopes and Dreams" Gala has been postponed until mid 2019.  The funds raised will be donated directly to this ECMO specialist team and we are aiming to match the last donation of at least $30,000!  These beautiful, caring people work tirelessly and thanklessly on educating, training, learning and saving the lives of babies and children through the use of these ECMO machines. Without this life-saving option, Lincoln Patrick Elwell would most certainly have died on admission...Sunday 6th December 2015, at just 9 days old.


Fortunately for us, we arrived at one of the best hospitals in the world and were greeted by a team that were quick thinking, knowledgeable and just incredible and by placing Lincoln on ECMO, they gave us a total of 4 months and 22 days with our little baby! 


We are so thankful, grateful and will never forget our time in PICU and the family that welcomed us and saved us each and every day.  Our memories with Lincoln, our videos and our photos will always have the most special place in my heart. His memory will always live on through our creation of Lincolns Legacy...

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